Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Batman+ Other Stuff Clothes Haul!

Hi guys! So my Mum was a complete LEGEND the other day and bought me a bunch of Batman clothes (+ other stuff because some of the stuff isn't Batman stuff sooo...) and yeah so I thought I would do a haul post for you guys being I haven't posted anything in ages! So lets get started!

1. My Batman Bed Cover!
So my Mum saw this but there wasn't any single bed ones so my Mum had to go back to get it today. It was £15 from Primark (this is the single bed one too btw so the other sizes may be more expensive) and please excuse the bad photography. The lighting was not being cooperative.

2. My 'Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice' Hoodie                                                                                                                                                                  
OK I am actually wearing this one right now so yeah it's comfortable. Anyway, I will most likely be wearing this when I go to see Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice next Tuesday (we'll be off school then so I'll be able to post more so yay!). This was £10 at Primark and it is the size XS (dont judge me... I'm tiny...).

3. My 'Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice' Top                                                                                                                                                                
This is sooooo comfy so I might also be wearing this one too to go see Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice! By the way, comfort is a big thing for me because I dress to sleep in class. (I feel like so many people can relate with that) Anyway, this was £5 from Primark (if you hadn't already guessed) and it's a size XS.

4. My Batman Symbol Hoodie                                                                                                                                                                   
\OK I am aware that this picture is really bad but whatever I dont care. I basically am torn between this hoodie and my B vs S hoodie so leave in the comments what you think I should wear! This hoodie was £10 and it is a size XS.

5. My 'The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 2' Top                                                                                
Again, I am aware that the photo is terrible but my camera is being annoying right now so you're just going to have to get used to it! You see this would have been very useful when The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 2 was in cinemas but now... yeah. This was £1! That bargain tho! Anyway, it's a size 6.

6. My Flash Top     
This is actually older than the rest but only by a few days but anyway, I love the top because Flash/ Barry Allen has been my bae lately. By the way I wore this to school and everyone thought that it was a Big Bang Theory reference but I was like... No. I'm sadly not sure how much it is but it is in the size S (for the record, I was actually happy when I found this out so yeah...).

That isn't all of them but that's as many as I can be bothered to do so yeah. Anyway, follow me on social media (mermaidsunicornsandgalaxies) sooooooo yeah! Bye my mermaids, unicorns and gazillion stars!


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